Universal Studios
Rated PG-13
Running time: 102 minutes
Land of the Lost, Universal Studios updated version of the TV series Land of the Lost, is a Will Ferrell vehicle. Do not expect the family based TV show on which the movie is based on. Just think of this movie as a Will Ferrell movie with elements of the Land of the Lost TV show. There was one point in the movie where I sang the theme song, actually two points in the movie as the theme song was actually done in the movie. Since the main characters have been replaced by adults, there are adult themes in the movie - as a result, this is not a good film to bring young children to.
TV host Matt Lauer bashes Will Ferrell in a TV interview. To prove himself, Ferrell, Anna Friel, and Danny McBride search for proof - and fall through a space-time vortex. They get sucked into the Land of the Lost - which holds iconic junk from our universe, along with dinosaurs, cave person Jorma Taccone as Cha-Ka, and the remains of a lizard-like civilization.
I saw this movie with family and friends. We went to this movie expecting a light-hearted film. Being a fan of the TV show which I saw when I was a kid, I was surprised the movie was better than I thought it would be given that I knew it was going to be a Will Ferrell movie - and not really based on the TV show. If you look at it as a light-hearted comment on society and not some deep intellectual film, you can have some fun with it.
Rated PG-13 for violence and sexual situations. Running time: 102 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.