Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Tourist
Columbia Pictures
Rated PG-13
Running time: 103 minutes
Click below to watch The Tourist trailer.
In Columbia Pictures The Tourist, Angelina Jolie is under observation by Interpol in order to track her boyfriend - who stole millions of dollars from a gangster. Ravishing Jolie picks up innocent American tourist Johnny Depp on a train in order to convince Interpol and the gangsters following Jolie that Depp is the criminal they are searching for.
This is not the action-packed suspense movie that the trailers might lead you to believe. In fact, all of the action that you see in the movie is shown in the trailer. The movie is more of a 1940's or 50's film noir movie, the kind of movie of which I have not really seen since I was in film school. There is a certain amount of elegance in this type of movie that I miss when compared to the over-the-top action films. While there are elements of James Bond in The Tourist, especially with former James Bond Timothy Dalton as a chief inspector, The Tourist is more like Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest. The movie being like North by Northwest, I am sure, is due to German writer/director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's influence on the film.
In one of his rare more normal roles, Johnny Depp is great as the befuddled American tourist caught up in a world of intrigue by femme fatal Angelina Jolie, while Interpol, Scotland Yard, and the gangsters close in on Depp and Jolie. Jolie and Depp have some steamy scenes together as Jolie draws Depp more and more into her dangerous world. As a result of Depp's and Jolie's intriguing relationship, The Tourist makes for a great date movie.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 103 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
TRON: Legacy
Walt Disney Pictures
Rated PG
Running time: 127 minutes
Click below to watch the Tron: Legacy trailer.
In Walt Disney Pictures TRON: LEGACY, Jeff Bridges troubled son Garrett Hedlund searches for his game designer father Bridges who has been missing for 20 years. In an old underground office at his father's old arcade business, Hedlund gets suddenly pulled into the digital grid world of Tron, where his father's old program Clu, Jeff Bridges, controls the grid and now wants to control Hedlund.
A sequel to the movie TRON, the movie TRON: LEGACY has several homages to the original movie, including the original Tron game which Hedlund tries to play, as well as having a song from Journey. However, I think that TRON: LEGACY has more action and characterization to me than in the original movie. The father-son relationship between Bridges and Hedlund supplies a relationship that I liked which was missing from the original movie - as well as having the relationship between Bridges program character Clu, and with Clu having a relationship with both Bridges and Hedlund. When Hedlund first meets Clu, I expected a "Luke, I am your father" type of scene. Bruce Boxleitner's program character of Tron from the original movie has very little screen time in this movie - since the movie is really about Hedlund's search for his father Bridges, rather than of Boxleitner's story. Olivia Wilde's character basically takes up Boxleitner's role in TRON: LEGACY. Wilde is very good in a fight and she also saves Hedlund a few times, even though Hedlund could also hold his own in a fight. At the beginning of the movie, there are scenes concerning Bridges company Encom and doing a product launch of a new operating system. You expect similar cut-throat business practices in the movie that the original TRON had, especially with the son of the bad guy from TRON as one of the company's designers - but once you enter the world of Tron, the movie does not return to the real world.
For those who watch the movie in 3-D - the real world in the beginning of the movie is shot in 2-D and it is only when you enter the world of Tron that the movie becomes 3-D. This is a similar technique that The Wizard of Oz used where the real world of The Wizard of Oz was in black and white and the land of Oz was in color. There are also several scenes of a fairly elegant home setting that reminds me of several scenes from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, which also had an elegant hotel setting. The ending of the movie, although cute, does not exactly make sense to me scientifically given the context of the film - but if you were looking for scientific accuracy do not expect it from this movie.
Rated PG for violence. Running time: 127 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Friday, November 26, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
Warner Bros. Pictures
Rated PG-13
Running time: 146 minutes
Click below to watch the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 trailer.
Warner Bros. Pictures Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 has Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter on a quest to destroy Lord Voldemort's, Ralph Fiennes, horcruxes - items which contain pieces of Lord Voldemort's evil soul. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic has declared Harry as Undesirable No. 1 - so Harry and his friends Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are pursued by both the Ministry and Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters.
The movie is based on the first half of the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The movie changes the format of the other Harry Potter movies in that the movie does not take place at Hogwarts, the magical school for wizards as it normally does, but takes place on the road as Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave home and run from the Death Eaters - as well as Harry, Ron, and Hermione searching for a way to destroy the horcruxes. The movie follows very closely to the book, which is not surprising as author J.K. Rowling is one of the producers. Although, there are parts of the movie that may be confusing to people unless you have read the books or have seen the other movies. For example, house elves like Creature and Dobby are suddenly thrown into the story. Creature and Dobby this time look less like computer animation figures but more like real characters, which shows how far computer animation technology has improved. The film also has an animated sequence, telling the tale of the Deathly Hallows. The animation is an animated version of shadow puppetry which is very interesting as you rarely see this kind of animation style, which is a form of stenciling, in a movie.
This is a dark movie, both in theme and is also visually dark. The movie reminds me of a vampire movie. You know the movie is going to be dark when the Warner Bros. logo disintegrates as the picture begins. The movie has some intense action scenes, but when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in the camping scenes in the middle of the movie - the movie slows down. After the camping scenes - the movie picks up again and you feel the intensity and the danger for the characters. For those who have not read the book, several characters and icons in Harry Potter's world die - or are destroyed. There are several scenes which are very sad and I started to tear up - and I already knew what would happen from reading the books, and I still teared up. The film's climax is more of an anti-climax as it leads into the next film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, which will premiere next summer - where the real climax will be portrayed. I personally can not wait to see the war at Hogwarts in the next movie.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 146 minutes.
Click below to watch another trailer with the cast and crew of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1.
Click below for a trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Parts 1 and 2.
All people smile in the same language.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Summit Entertainment
and DC Entertainment
Rated PG-13
Running time: 111 minutes
Click below to watch the Red trailer.
Lonely suburbanite Bruce Willis is wooing his government case worker agent Mary-Louise Parker for his government checks. Soon - a professional hit squad tries to kill Willis in his home. Willis is a former CIA agent who has been declared RED - Retired, Extremely Dangerous. Now Willis must gather his fellow RED agents, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, and Helen Mirren to break into CIA Headquarters to find out who is trying to kill all of them, as well as his girlfriend Parker - who reluctantly gets caught up in the middle of all this mess.
Based on the graphic novel Red, DC Entertainment's Red is a much lighter and more comedic version of the graphic novel from what I hear, although I have not read the graphic novel yet. The mature cast seems to be having a lot of fun in the movie. To see Willis as a tough CIA agent developing a relationship with the young Parker and finally letting someone into his secret agent life is rather touching. Having The Queen of drama, Oscar winner Helen Mirren - wearing an evening gown and firing a machine gun - in an action film was one of the reasons why I wanted to see this movie in the first place and Mirren does not disappoint. As Mirren tells Parker, "I kill people, dear." Even if Mirren does kill people, Mirren is still very much a lady. Malkovich is over the top playing an agent who was given LSD for 11 years. Freeman is not given as much to do in the movie, but he does have his moments.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time 111 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Social Network
Columbia Pictures
Rated PG-13
Running time: 121 minutes
Click below to watch The Social Network trailer.
Columbia Pictures The Social Network is about the creation of the website Facebook and the legal problems Harvard computer undergrad creator Mark Zuckerberg had as a result of the website's creation.
With flashbacks between the creation of Facebook and the legal problems Zuckerberg goes through, and a script by Aaron Sorkin, there is twice as much dialog in this film than in a normal film which can be exhausting if you are not used to that much dialog. This is evidenced by the first five minutes of the film of an intense dialog with Jesse Eisenberg as Zuckerberg, and his then girlfriend who are sitting in a bar before the opening credits roll. That was supposed to be eight pages of dialog crammed into five minutes of film - where normally it is a minute's worth of dialog per page. Although there is a lot of dialog, with David Fincher's direction, this is not a talking-heads movie. The dialog basically shows what an intense jerk Zuckerberg is in the movie and you can imagine how his personality could lead him into trouble as he goes about creating what was then known as The Facebook, a social networking site allowing people to stay connected with each other which was originally created for Harvard. When Zuckerberg gets involved with Justin Timberlake, as Napster creator Sean Parker, the business potential for Facebook grows into the billions - where most of the legal troubles begins.
Watching the movie initially brought back memories of college for me, both with the intense academic life and the sorority life. It is interesting that while the Facebook website was originally created for college students, a lot of the movie-going audience that I saw the movie with was of an older crowd. While it is said that a lot of the material was created for the movie, and is not real, the movie gave me an idea of what goes on behind the scenes of such a big business.
Another aspect of the movie deals with the twins Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss, with Armie Hammer playing both parts. The Winklevoss twins - Hammer - got Zuckerberg involved in creating a Harvard social networking website for themselves. One interesting thing about the Winklevoss twins, aside from their legal actions against Zukerberg for stealing their idea, is that the Winklevoss twins were part of Harvard's Crew Team. As a videographer who spent a season videotaping the Orange Coast College's Crew Team - who are known as "The Giant Killers" for defeating well-known crew teams such as Harvard, it was a delight for me to get a glimpse of this sport again as it is rare that I get to see crew in a movie. It was also a delight to see Disney Channel star Brenda Song in an adult role for once as the girlfriend of Zuckerberg's friend and co-creator of Facebook Eduardo Saverin, Andrew Garfield.
There is talk of an Oscar and I could see an Oscar for this film.
Rated PG-13 for sexual situations, language, and drug use. Running time 121 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Sunday, October 10, 2010
You Again

Touchstone Pictures
Rated PG
Running time: 105 minutes
Click below to watch the You Again trailer.
Touchstone Pictures You Again is a cute film of new Public Relations Vice President Kristen Bell who, when Bell returns home, finds out that her brother is going to marry Odette Yustman - the hot woman who had bullied Bell all through high school. Bell then is on a quest to prove to her family of Yustman's sinister true character.
This is a film where just about every character has a history with every other character from their high school days, usually from dating jealousies - like Bell's mom Jamie Lee Curtis and Yustman's aunt Sigourney Weaver. It was almost over the top for me with everyone connected like that and I think the movie would have probably either played better with less character history, or have every character having a history with a high school rival. Seeing Bell's ugly duckling look in high school and going to poised, matured Vice President is an incredible transformation - and it is painful to watch Bell revert back to her high school looks due to painful circumstances that were not of her own making. I was expecting Bell to use her talents as a Public Relations person on exposing Yustman, but there was very little Public Relations as Bell lets her emotions get away from her as she tries to prove Yustman's meanness. Bell's older brother James Wolk, who is going to be married, is too good to be true. Wolk makes me want to strangle him, or have him get run over by a car as he jogs. Having the talents of Event Planner Kristin Chenoweth coaching the wedding party in song and dance almost makes this movie seem like a High School Musical. Betty White continues her long comedic career, this time as the cute grandmother.
It was great to see the rock duo Hall & Oates at the end of the movie as they basically do a video with all the characters in the movie during the end credits.
Rated PG for language. Running time 105 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Other Guys
Columbia Pictures
Rated PG-13
Running time: 107 min
Click below to watch The Other Guys movie trailer on YouTube.
In Columbia Pictures The Other Guys, Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson are a couple of gung ho urban street cops. And then there are The Other Guys - Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, desk jockey precinct detectives. Ferrell and Wahlberg are stuck in the background who are forced to do the Jackson's and Johnson's paperwork. When Ferrell goes after a high profile multi-billionaire investment banker Steve Coogan for a building code violation, partners Ferrell and Wahlberg soon find themselves linked into New York City's biggest crime.
With the movie as a combination Lethal Weapon and Beverly Hills Cop, Jackson and Johnson make a great combo as street cops - but make no mistake, as the trailers may be misleading, the movie is really about the other guys Ferrell and Wahlberg. In fact, several people walked out of the theater when they realized the movie was no longer about Jackson and Johnson early in the movie. Although I think a full movie with Jackson and Johnson really as cops would be a fun movie, and there are talks with making a prequel movie about Jackson and Johnson. Mismatched Ferrell and Wahlberg grew on me as they took on the investment banker investigation - with accountant Ferrell having the hot babes like Eva Mendes interested in Ferrell, and of disgraced Wahlberg's unfortunate meeting with major league MVP baseball player Derek Jeter. After watching Ferrell and Wahlberg in the movie, it makes me realize what a waste it is not to get civilians to sit at the desks to do the clerical and administration of police business so they can free up real cops to be out on the street. Also, while the police do a very important job, it is sad to realize the police are not being paid very much because police captain Michael Keaton has to get a second job with Bed Bath & BEYOND to put his bi-sexual son through college. During the end credits, there are financial graphics displayed, along with the results of fraud schemes in keeping with the money laundering plot of the movie. There is also an outtake of the restaurant scene after the credits.
Rated PG-13 for violence and sexual situations.
All people smile in the same language.
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Knight and Day
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Running time: 109 minutes
Click below to watch the Knight and Day trailer.
In Knight & Day, civilian Cameron Diaz is on her way to her sister's wedding - when she bumps into agent Tom Cruise at the airport. Diaz soon becomes an unwitting accomplice for Cruise. Diax goes on the run with Cruise in Cruise's battle against CIA agents.
This movie is a cute, comedic spy thriller cross between Mission: Impossible and Wanted. Cruise's off-beat antics makes you wonder if he really is a rogue CIA agent or not as he takes Diaz around the world. As Diaz says, "I just don't know what to believe." Aside from what may be happening to Cruise and Diaz, I just did not get the sense of the real ultimate stakes of their actions - of why this mission is so important in the first place as everyone searches for a newly developed power source. Also, while we may know where the Knight came from in the movie, there is no obvious reason why the movie would be called Knight and Day unless you really reach for the meaning.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 109 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Rated PG-13
Running time: 93 minutes
Click below to watch the Killers trailer.
In Lionsgate's Killers, mild, mannered Katherine Heigl meets the man of her dreams, Ashton Kutcher, in France and marries him. When a 20 million dollar contract is put out on Kutcher, Heigl finds out that Kutcher really is not what he seems to be - as "killers" come after them.
This film is a combination of Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Grosse Pointe Blank. Intelligence agent Kutcher craves an ordinary life at home, and treats Heigl like a queen, before Kutcher gets pulled back into the business. Heigl has become trademarked as a ditsy blond, however I miss her in her dramatic roles like in the TV series Roswell. It seems over-the-top that the resources of so many sleeper agents would be sent to keep an eye out for Kutcher as he lives in suburbia. While not everyone is a killer, most of the neighborhood is a sleeper agent and the situation was getting quite funny as a result.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 93 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Ashton Kutcher,
Katherine Heigl,
Rated PG-13,
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Walt Disney Pictures
Rated PG-13
Running time: 116 minutes
Click below to watch the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time trailer.
In Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, orphan Jake Gyllenhaal is adopted by the royal family. After presenting a captured robe to his king father Ronald Pickup, the king dies of poisoning and Gyllenhaal must flee, along with the captured princess Gemma Arterton, from his vengeful prince brothers Richard Coyle and Toby Kebbell. Along the way, Gyllenhaal discovers his captured dagger from princess Arterton can turn back time.
Based on the video game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the movie was surprisingly enjoyable to watch. I have not seen the game, but the action scenes were mostly well integrated into the movie and not obvious gaming scenes - making the scenes worthy of a Jerry Bruckheimer production, even if there are ostriches in the movie. Actually, I thought the ostrich race was fun. At the end of Gyllenhaal's quest, to return the dagger to it's proper place, is where you will see what are the obvious gaming obstacles. I did not know Ben Kingsley was in this movie, as most of what I knew of the movie came from the Disney Channel and I did not hear the Disney Channel mention Kingsley. The movie might have gotten more box office if Kingsley was promoted more.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 116 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Rated PG-13
Running time: 116 minutes
Click below to watch the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time trailer.
In Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, orphan Jake Gyllenhaal is adopted by the royal family. After presenting a captured robe to his king father Ronald Pickup, the king dies of poisoning and Gyllenhaal must flee, along with the captured princess Gemma Arterton, from his vengeful prince brothers Richard Coyle and Toby Kebbell. Along the way, Gyllenhaal discovers his captured dagger from princess Arterton can turn back time.
Based on the video game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the movie was surprisingly enjoyable to watch. I have not seen the game, but the action scenes were mostly well integrated into the movie and not obvious gaming scenes - making the scenes worthy of a Jerry Bruckheimer production, even if there are ostriches in the movie. Actually, I thought the ostrich race was fun. At the end of Gyllenhaal's quest, to return the dagger to it's proper place, is where you will see what are the obvious gaming obstacles. I did not know Ben Kingsley was in this movie, as most of what I knew of the movie came from the Disney Channel and I did not hear the Disney Channel mention Kingsley. The movie might have gotten more box office if Kingsley was promoted more.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 116 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Iron Man 2
Paramount Pictures
Rated PG-13
Running time: 124 minutes
Search for AC/DC
Click below to watch the Iron Man 2 trailer.
In this sequel to Iron Man, Robert Downey, Jr., who plays Tony Stark, is now known as the armoured hero Iron Man - and the government tries to order Downey to turn his highly advanced Iron Man suit over to them as a new weapons system. Meanwhile, Russian scientist Mickey Rourke takes revenge on Downey for Rourke's dead father.
This is actually a broader and better story than the first Iron Man movie as we deal with opposition from all sides, including Downey's friends. The movie starts off broader, with Iron Man dropping in at an industry Expo of Stark Industries amidst a chorus line of Iron Man cheerleaders - along with music by AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" as Iron Man's theme song. This is more of a dramatic comic book story about the people, like Christian Bale's Batman in The Dark Knight , instead of an over-the-top Joel Schumacher movie like Batman & Robin. As the movie progresses, we see Robert Downey, Jr. falling into depression and alcoholism as he realizes that he is not what his father had expected of him - and also because of the government continually pressing Downey for access of his Iron Man technology for the sake of national security. Gwyneth Paltrow, despite her relationship with Downey, tries to pick up the pieces of Iron Man's public relations disaster. Paltrow also tries running Downey's company, amidst accusations of Paltrow being inexperienced at the job of suddenly being CEO - while Downey falls to pieces from his depression. Mickey Rourke was very convincing as the Russian bad guy Whiplash, while Sam Rockwell might be a bit over the top as Downey's arms merchant contemporary.
Throughout Iron Man 2 are hints of the future Avengers movie that will be a team-up of the various Marvel Comics movie super heroes, of which Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury would be in charge of - including a scene at the end of the closing credits hinting at the nature of one of the more powerful Avengers. I personally can't wait to see Scarlett Johansson continuing her kick-ass role as Natasha Romanoff - The Black Widow.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 124 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Search for AC/DC
Pancho's Movie Reviews
Black Widow,
Gwyneth Paltrow,
Iron Man,
Marvel Comics,
Mickey Rourke,
Nick Fury,
Rated PG-13,
Robert Downey Jr.,
Samuel L. Jackson,
Scarlett Johansson,
Science fiction,
War Machine
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Karate Kid
Columbia Pictures
Rated PG
Running time: 140 minutes
Click below to watch The Karate Kid trailer.
An update of the original The Karate Kid, Columbia Pictures The Karate Kid has Jaden Smith and his mom Taraji P. Henson leaving their home in Detroit and moving to China for his mom's new job. After getting beaten up by the local bully, Jaden gets martial arts training by their maintenance man Jackie Chan.
I think this update is a better movie than the original The Karate Kid as it deals with the different cultures of American Jaden Smith trying to fit into the Chinese culture. This is also the most dramatic role I have seen of Jackie Chan in a Hollywood movie. Chan's performance actually had me tearing up in one scene. Jaden Smith has become a very talented actor and his ability at kung fu is amazing. The title The Karate Kid is actually a misnomer as the martial arts supposedly being portrayed in the movie is kung fu. As Jaden tells his mother after visiting a kung fu school, "It's kung fu! Not karate!" As I am not familiar between the different martial arts styles, I could not tell if the technique is really kung fu or karate. Either way, the martial arts being portrayed is incredible especially during the tournament scenes at the end of the movie.
Rated PG for violence. Running time: 140 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Jackie Chan,
Jaden Smith,
kung fu,
martial arts,
Rated PG
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sex & the City 2
New Line Cinema
Rated R
Running time: 146 minutes
Based on the TV series Sex and the City, it has been two years since the events from the movie Sex and the City when Sarah Jessica Parker got married. Now Parker is a married lady who is in a rut with her husband Mr. Big Chris Noth and is afraid of being a boring married couple. With all the hassles of home, life and work, Kim Cattrall persuades Parker as well as the other girls, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon, to go with Cattrall to Abu Dhabi where Kim's former boyfriend is making a movie and the movie's producer is a sheik.
Even though I have never watched the TV series, I was able to follow and understand the characters as they undergo their trials - such as mother Kristin Davis worrying about her nanny's huge buxom breasts or lawyer Cynthia Nixon quitting her job because of her chauvinistic boss. You know sex-bomb Kim Cattrall is going to get into trouble in Abu Dhabi as she tests the conservative people there. Cattrall's almost pornographic flaunting of herself is disrespectful in that country and in one sense I was almost looking forward to her getting in trouble for it as she makes no apologies for her actions.
Rated R for sexual situations and language. Running time: 146 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How to Train Your Dragon
DreamWorks Animation
Rated PG
Running time: 98 minutes
Click below to watch the How to Train Your Dragon trailer.
DreamWorks animated film How to Train Your Dragon is the story about Hiccup, Jay Baruchel, an enthusiastic 98 pound weakling apprentice in a village of aggressive Vikings. Hiccup wants to kill a fire breathing dragon in order to get the girl of his dreams, America Ferrera, although she is pretty tough herself and wants to kill her own dragon. However, Hiccup's attitude about killing dragons changes once he meets and befriends one of the most dangerous dragons there is.
This is basically a story of a boy and his dog, with the story being a cross between a children's version of Avatar and Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern book series, along with a feeling of Harry Potter. Although, the movie is more of an adult film rather than a children's film with the Vikings searching for the nest of dragons so the Vikings can kill them. The most dangerous dragon there is, does eventually become like a big dog for Hiccup - while the Vikings become the predators for the dragons. There is a lot of action involved with the dragons, and also with the competitive funny young dragon-killer trainees, along with an action packed climax. I enjoyed this film, and totally related with Hiccup and his hero's journey throughout the movie in his wanting to prove himself. Rated PG for violence.
Running time: 98 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rated PG-13
Running time: 162 minutes
Click below to watch the Avatar trailer.
James Cameron's Avatar, by 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation, is about Marine paraplegic Sam Worthington going to the planet Pandora to join the Avatar program - a program in which he inhabits a native giant body avatar. The humans on the planet are mining a rare mineral and the Marines provide security for them. Worthington is assigned to make contact with the natives and as he learns and interacts with the natives - Worthington realizes he is on the wrong side.
This is basically the story of the Vietnam war, or of any superior culture overwhelming a primitive society. It was much more interesting watching the scientists and Worthington learning about the natives and the planet, than it was in dealing with the Marines who were hardly shown during the first half of the film. The only Marines you really get to know are Worthington's friends, including the woman Marine pilot Michelle Rodriguez. You also get to know the Marine Colonel in charge Stephen Lang. Worthington in the beginning was not believable as a veteran Marine with extensive experience. This was especially in contrast with the trailer of The National Guard that was being shown at my screening just before the movie started, and of how professional the Guard are. As the alien Zoe Saldana told the inexperienced Worthington, "You are a baby!" While not being in the military, I have a feeling that the depiction of the Marines used in the movie is not entirely accurate. But after a rigorous training by Saldana to make Worthington become one of her people, Worthington becomes the resourceful hero Worthington is destined to be.
On a technical level, I saw this movie in 3-D. It is rare that I watch a 3-D movie, it all depends on what movie is available at the time I am able to go to the movies. The real D 3D glasses that I was given were able to fit over my glasses, but did not fit properly and I had to hold the glasses in place for me to watch the movie comfortably. As a movie-goer, holding the glasses is rather tiresome and most of the time I just let go of the glasses and not watch the top of the screen. Traditional 2 dimensional film making does not always work for a 3-D movie, but for the most part the movie was enjoyable in 3-D.
Rated PG-13 for violence. Running time: 162 minutes
All people smile in the same language.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Book of Eli

Rated R
Warner Bros. Pictures
Running time: 118 minutes
Running time: 118 minutes
In a post-apocalyptic world, Denzel Washington travels across the devastated country to deliver a book - of which some aggressive survivors want to procure.
The first act of The Book of Eli is very slow as Denzel just basically survives among the ruins. It is only when he arrives at a village that a story begins. You slowly learn about the war that devestated the world, and about Denzel's purpose in life as he travels in a land of illiterates. Why the land is full of illiterates I did not understand. Savage survivalists I could understand, but not illiterates. The movie reminds me of Mad Max and The Road Warrior. Sadly, the women in this post-apocalyptic film are basically objects to be used by the men stronger than them. Mila Kunis's character is one such character, used by Gary Oldman to learn more about Denzel and his book, until she runs away to travel in the safety of Denzel's protection. What happens with Denzel towards the end of the movie is unbelievable, unless he has some sort of powers that were not explained in the movie.
Denzel rigorously trained with Bruce Lee's prodigy Dan Inosanto and supposedly did his own stunts. Unfortunately with the editing, you can not really see Denzel's martial moves that actually shows this training. With the editing that was used - anybody without training could have performed those moves, so it was hard to tell of Denzel's training. The movie is much more of an intellectual film rather than an action film. However, even with the intellectualism of the film, the movie is very graphic.
Rated R for violence. Running time: 118 minutes.
All people smile in the same language.
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